Tag Archives: Campus

I Entrepreneurship Exhibition

Written by Daniel González 06 Sep 2013

IE holds its I Entrepreneurship Exhibition with 29 stands representing different start-ups. The exhibition runs for two days, and is visited by major players from key sectors, such as banking or industry. It is sponsored by Banco de Fomento.

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1000 students

Written by Daniel González

The number of students on IE master programs hits 1,000, with an applicant/admit ratio of 4-1.

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María de Molina, 11

Written by Daniel González

The María de Molina, 11, building is inaugurated, and becomes the School’s main campus building.

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International MBA

Written by Daniel González

This year sees the first intake of the International MBA, running for 18 months and IE’s first bilingual program. It has 38 students, 14 of whom are from other European countries and from Latin America.

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First intake of Master in Tax Practice

Written by Daniel González

Following the fiscal reform of 1978 the School receives the first intake of its Master in Tax Practice, adapting its content to said reform, considered to comprise the most significant changes in tax law in decades.

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Master in Legal Practice

Written by Daniel González

In the field of corporate law, Instituto de Empresa launches the Master in Legal Practice, the first master program of its kind in Spain, and one which will play a major role in the School’s teaching activities.

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Specialization in foreign trade

Written by Daniel González 05 Sep 2013

As the volume of trade between Spain and the rest of the world increases, Instituto de Empresa s portfolio expands to include a specialization in foreign trade in its MBA program. The results of the first three years are presented to HRH King Juan Carlos of Spain.

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The first regular programs

Written by Daniel González

The first MBA and Executive MBA programs are launched with a total intake of 110 students, marking the start of academic life at Instituto de Empresa.

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IE Business School is born

Written by Daniel González

As a response to the lack of postgraduate education and socio-economic debate in Spain as the country opens up to the rest of the world, Diego del Alcázar Silvela and Álvaro García Lomas open first major business school in Madrid, with the latter acting as president. The center is called Instituto de Empresa, and is […]

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