Tag Archives: Academic

Strengthening relations with Latin America

Written by Daniel González 05 Mar 2014

Antonio Montes, Director of Strategic Development. As a need for business insight into LatinAmerican economies was needed, IE Business school launched one of its most ambitious programs, the SUMAQ Alliance, that proposed a program in several countries of the continent while maintaining a blended option for those who did not want to move around.

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IE Brown Executive MBA and Prince of Wales visit

Written by Daniel González 06 Sep 2013

IE and Brown University launch the IE Brown Executive MBA in the US. The Prince of Wales visits IE Business School to help promote entrepreneurship.

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Masters in Finance among the best by Financial Times

Written by Daniel González

IE University, now a reference in the field of business management in undergraduate programs, runs its university programs through IE School of Communication, IE School of Biology, IE School of Architecture and Design, and IE School of Arts and Humanities, IE Business School, and IE Law School. Financial Times ranks IE Business School’s Masters in […]

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IE, best school in the world in open programs

Written by Daniel González

IE launches its first blended MBA with an innovative learning model. IE is ranked the best school in the world in open programs by the Economist Intelligence Unit.

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First European Executive Master of Laws

Written by Daniel González

IE establishes a collegiate chapter of the Beta Gamma Sigma Society. IE and Northwestern University School of Law create the first European Executive Master of Laws.

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Written by Daniel González

This year IE creates a specific unit dedicated to online education, aimed at optimizing the use of technologies aided by e-learning platforms, modules and tools.

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Sumaq Alliance

Written by Daniel González

Instituto de Empresa and 7 leading Latin American business schools – Uniandes, IESA, Universidad de San Andrés, EGADE, INCAE, Fundación Getulio Vargas, and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile – subscribe to the Sumaq Alliance, geared to offer executive education programs to business corporations through a shared technology platform, a pooled faculty comprising 500 professors, and […]

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First Master in e-Business

Written by Daniel González

The e-learning research is launched to create blended programs. It is a pioneering initiative in Europe and positions IE at the forefront of the development of new formats in the field of business education.

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Chair in Business Ethics and International Advisory Board

Written by Daniel González

The Chair in Business Ethics is created by the IE Alumni Association, this being the first time that the alumni association of a university or business school has created a chair for its parent institution. The International Advisory Board comes into being, a consulting body which works to maintain and raise the levels of academic […]

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Chair in Environment and Business

Written by Daniel González

IE launches its Chair in Environment and Business, a pioneering initiative focused on the study of the economic impact of environmental deterioration, and the economic cost of alternative proposals.

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