
Bill Gates

Written by Daniel González 06 Sep 2013

Bill Gates, president and founder of Microsoft Corporation, gives an address to members of the IE community on receiving his Honorary MBA from the School.

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Chair in Environment and Business

Written by Daniel González

IE launches its Chair in Environment and Business, a pioneering initiative focused on the study of the economic impact of environmental deterioration, and the economic cost of alternative proposals.

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1000 students

Written by Daniel González

The number of students on IE master programs hits 1,000, with an applicant/admit ratio of 4-1.

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Agreement IE McGraw

Written by Daniel González

IE’s publishing house signs an agreement with McGraw Hill to publish a series of books on marketing, strategy and finance authored by members of IE faculty.

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María de Molina, 11

Written by Daniel González

The María de Molina, 11, building is inaugurated, and becomes the School’s main campus building.

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Juan Lladó Award

Written by Daniel González

Instituto de Empresa, in collaboration with the José Ortega y Gasset Foundation, creates an award aimed at recognizing Spanish entrepreneurs who have contributed to the development of studies, research and activities related to the world of culture. The award bears the name of Juan Lladó, in recognition of his clear vision of the need to […]

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Spanish Agency for Business Start-ups

Written by Daniel González

The Instituto de Empresa and Spain’s Association for Young Entrepreneurs promote the creation of the Spanish Agency for Business Start-ups.

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Department of Entrepreneurship

Written by Daniel González

The Department of Entrepreneurship is launched, one of the School’s biggest commitments in terms of fostering the development and implementation of business startups, and research in the field.

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International MBA

Written by Daniel González

This year sees the first intake of the International MBA, running for 18 months and IE’s first bilingual program. It has 38 students, 14 of whom are from other European countries and from Latin America.

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Institute of European Studies and “Ideas Empresariales” Magazine

Written by Daniel González

As Europe takes on a new shape, the Institute of European Studies is created, serving as a platform on which to build what will become the Instituto de Empresa Management College, now the School’s Executive Education Unit. The Alumni Association launches IDEAS EMPRESARIALES, a quarterly magazine aimed at providing an analysis of the economic situation […]

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