
Sumaq Alliance

Written by Daniel González 06 Sep 2013

Instituto de Empresa and 7 leading Latin American business schools – Uniandes, IESA, Universidad de San Andrés, EGADE, INCAE, Fundación Getulio Vargas, and Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile – subscribe to the Sumaq Alliance, geared to offer executive education programs to business corporations through a shared technology platform, a pooled faculty comprising 500 professors, and […]

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First Master in e-Business

Written by Daniel González

The e-learning research is launched to create blended programs. It is a pioneering initiative in Europe and positions IE at the forefront of the development of new formats in the field of business education.

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College of Information and Technologies and ICEVED

Written by Daniel González

This year sees the creation of the School’s College of Information and Technologies, whose key mission is to undertake research and to gauge the impact of information technologies and telecommunications on the corporate world. ICEVED (International Center for Entrepreneurship and Ventures Development) is launched, led by Instituto de Empresa.

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25th Anniversary

Written by Daniel González

Instituto de Empresa celebrates its 25th anniversary. Jacques Santer, President of the European Commission, is awarded an honorary MBA by the School.

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Instituto de Empresa Foundation and Business Forum

Written by Daniel González

The Instituto de Empresa Foundation is created. The IE Business Leadership Forum is launched. IE begins to acquire international recognition, appearing in major business school rankings.

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Management College

Written by Daniel González

IE acquires a new building in Calle Serrano to house its Management College. The building has a surface area of 9,000m2.

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Chair in Business Ethics and International Advisory Board

Written by Daniel González

The Chair in Business Ethics is created by the IE Alumni Association, this being the first time that the alumni association of a university or business school has created a chair for its parent institution. The International Advisory Board comes into being, a consulting body which works to maintain and raise the levels of academic […]

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Entrepreneurship Foundation

Written by Daniel González

Instituto de Empresa helps promote an initiative launched by a group of people led by Diego del Alcázar, namely the creation of the Entrepreneurship Foundation, approved by the Spanish Ministry of Social Affairs.

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20 years

Written by Daniel González

Instituto de Empresa celebrates 20 years of postgraduate programs, executive education, and consulting services.

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I Entrepreneurship Exhibition

Written by Daniel González

IE holds its I Entrepreneurship Exhibition with 29 stands representing different start-ups. The exhibition runs for two days, and is visited by major players from key sectors, such as banking or industry. It is sponsored by Banco de Fomento.

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